Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom!

Yesterday,was my mom's birthday, and of course I called her. Today, as I reflect on that phone call I feel really blessed to have such an amazing mom. I called her yesterday, and told her Happy Birthday, and then she asked me how I was. That is what moms do, they want to know all about their kids, even on their birthday. 
We have had quite the last few months, and we make jokes about how this going to look in the family Christmas newsletter. I know that we would be a complete mess, if my mother wasn't somehow holding us all together, like she always does. My mom is my example for strength. When it is time for, "...the tough to get going", somehow my mom's already beat the tough there and is giving them directions on what to do next. 
For the last year, my mom has been working in Mental Health, helping people take care of themselves. She gave of herself all day, and then came home and gave some more. Since, Kyle has been hospital, she has been by his side 100%. She even lost her job, after her extended family medical leave was over. She didn't even blink an eye. She loved her job, but she loves her kids more. My mom is a great mom, and she deserve more....
 So mom, thank you for being amazing and helping us through all of this, one day either Kyle or Ross and I will build you a apartment, and we'll take care of you.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Joey, your mom sounds like an amazing woman and guess what? I think you are just like her. Happy birthday to your mom!